Der Sitzmark Ski Club
For our monthly meetings, we will be gathering at 3:30 p.m. at the Middle Road Inn, 1822 Middle Road. Ashlee from Pam’s World of Travel will be at this March meeting. She helped with both the Panama and the Nova Scotia trips and hopefully she will be involved in other upcoming trips for the club.…
PASC – Judy Neyer
There is a new manager at 7 Springs and apparently he is receptive to being interactive with the clubs and schools. I’m sure you’ve all noticed the lack of after-school buses the past several years. There is also a new groomer guy, Gary, who has been doing a good job on the slopes and working…
Next Meeting – April 15
The monthly meeting is normally the third Tuesday of each month at the Middle Road Inn at 1822 Middle Road in Glenshaw. The meeting starts at 4:30 PM. If you are eating too, arrive to place your order at 4:00 PM or earlier. You are welcome to drop by to learn a bit about us.
Der Sitzmark Ski Club Membership Renewal – Ski Season 2024-2025
Name(s): ____________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________ City: ___________________ State: ________Zip Code: _________ Phone Number(s) (____) __________ Cell Phone Number ____________ E-Mail Address: ____________________________________ Type of Membership (Please circle membership amount and enclose amount shown) Individual: $15.00 Family: $25.00 Please make your checks payable to: Der Sitzmark Ski Club and return to Der Sitzmark Ski Club c/o Pat…
Der Sitzmark Club Officers
Joe Hrason, President (412) 486-5403 Dot Easter, Vice President (412-795-3210 Libby Murphy, Secretary (412)-728-0665 Ron Sarver, Treasurer & Email Coordinator (724) 939-3394 Email Coordinator – Ron Sarver Patty Adams, Membership (412) 486-2646 Shirley Dougherty, Newsletter 412-366-1192 Mary Ann Sarver, Activities Director (724) 939-3394 Rick Eismont, Internet Webmaster-(412)466-5299—To submit…
New Ski Trip Leader
Patty Ann will be stepping down after the Telluride trip. Mary Sauer has agreed to lead next year’s trip and details will be sent separately after all the arrangements have been worked out. Thank you Mary for taking this on and a big thank you to Patty Ann for being the ski trip leader for…
WPSC – Judy Neyer
Council had a Zoom meeting. Both council trips were successful. The Killington trip especially so. The Banff trip had three injuries, but all involved had taken out trip insurance. The Killington trip will be repeated again next January. The western trip will either be Whitefish, Montana or Fernie BC, Canada, usually late February or early…
PASC: Judy Neyer
Council dues for the coming season remain unchanged at $35. Invoices will be coming out this month. Meadville ski club is dropping out of council. They have only four members. There was some discussion about the lack of young people participating in ski clubs. $500 was approved to Shenago Valley’s High School learn to ski…
Iceland Recap —- Land of Fire and Ice We began our journey with the Golden Circle Tour viewing powerful waterfalls and abundant rivers. We visited a Tomato and Horse Farm where the hot house had rows and rows of cherry tomatoes climbing up to the ceiling. It is a labor intensive operation where the entire…
Minutes of Meeting – November 14, 2022
Dave Potts, VP lead the meeting. Patty Ann McLaughlin reported that the February 25 – March 4, 2023 trip to Beaver Creek is full with 38 ski club members. Mary Ann has 36 reservations for this year’s Christmas Party on December 18. She expects to receive more checks as we usually have around 90 attendees. …
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